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Master File Import - SubDNA & HubSpot

Step 1 - SubDNA (Requires access)

Click on Manage Subscriptions (left Menu)

Click on Manage Export (top right)

Select all fields. Click Save

Scroll to bottom of the page. Click EXCEL to export.

Save file.


Click on Users (left Menu)

Click on All Subscribers

Scroll to bottom of the page. Click EXCEL to export.

Save file.


Click on Statistics (left Menu)

Click on Login Statistics (middle Menu)

Scroll to bottom of the page. Click EXCEL (X image) to export.

Save file.


Step 2 Update file: SubDNA_Hubspot_Master_Template_2022.xltm

File Location: Dropbox(FTR)\FTR Public\HUBSPOT INFO\Data Management\SubDNA\1_Final Files

Open Subscriptions Excel file

Remove column H (Mobile Phone)

Then, select and copy all columns

In Subs tab, click on A1 and select Paste Value (123 image). If colored columns disappear, undo and re-paste.

In Subs2 tab, click on A1 and select Paste Value (123 image). If colored columns disappear, undo and re-paste.

In Subs tab, click on D2 (passwords). Click Shift/Control and down arrow. Click delete (to remove all passwords, but not the column header).

In Subs tab, click on Invoice column (A). Filter A to Z.

In Subs2 tab, click on D2 (passwords). Click Shift/Control and down arrow. Click delete (to remove all passwords, but not the column header).

In Subs2 tab, Select Custom Sort (Data ribbon, Fort & Filter, Sort). Level 1 sort: UserID (AV) as A to Z. Level 2 sort: Status (AB) as A to Z.

-- If ? Box comes up, select 'Sort anything that looks like a number, as a number' (option 1).

Close Subscriptions Excel file.


Open Subscribers Excel file

Remove column L (Mobile Phone)

Then, select all columns and copy

In Users tab, click on A1 and select Paste Value (123 image). If colored columns dissapear, undo and re-paste.

In Users2 tab, click on A1 and select Paste Value (123 image). If colored columns dissapear, undo and re-paste.

In Users tab, click on G2 (passwords). Click Shift/Control and down arrow. Click delete (to remove all passwords, but not the column header).

In Users tab, click on Group ID column (B). Filter A to Z.

In Users2 tab, click on G2 (passwords). Click Shift/Control and down arrow. Click delete (to remove all passwords, but not the column header).

In Users2 tab, click on Date Reg column (D). Filter Z to A.

Close Subscriber Groups Excel file.


Open Login Statistics Excel file

Select all columns and copy

In Login tab, click on A1 and select Paste Value (123 image). If colored columns dissapear, undo and re-paste.

Update Pivot Tables

-- Data ribbon: Queries & Connections, Refresh dropdown, REFRESH ALL -- will Update ALL TABLES

In Login tab, sort ID column (H) A to Z.


In User_Output tab, review User output file to make sure fields are populated correctly.

Then click 'Select/Copy' button.

-- Paste into New Document and save file to: 

Dropbox (FTR)\FTR Public\HUBSPOT INFO\Data Management\SubDNA\1_Final Files\Master Compiler Daily Versions 2022

In Company_Output tab, review User output file to make sure fields are populated correctly.

Then click 'Select/Copy' button.

-- Paste into New Document and save file to:

C:\Users\Michael Starks\Dropbox (FTR)\FTR Public\HUBSPOT INFO\Data Management\SubDNA\1_Final Files\Master Compiler Daily Versions 2022

User Compiler and Company Compiler - Do Not Touch

Save Master document into Master Compiler Daily Versions as Macro Enabled Worksheet.


Step 3 – HubSpot Import

Matching properties

Match property Last Login = Subscriber Last Login

Fix for date: Year - Month - Day

Subscription 2 Renewal Date - IGNORE error

Don't import 1 column

Re-verify date format Year - Month - Day

Import - Do NOT select set as marketing contact


Step 4 - Verify number of new contacts on import page

Click on View contacts

Update marketing contact status of new contacts to Marketing Contact